Nelson's Monument |
This Fantastic yet strenuous walk shows off this part of Hampshire at it's best, from chalk downland with stunning views
to a vast waterside castle with views of the Royal Navy's 21st Century Warships.
To get to the start by car, follow the old A27
to Portchester then turn off the town centre roundabout into station road, continue onto Hill Rd then crossing the motorway
onto Skew Rd you'll find parking aplenty on the large gravel layby. By train simply get off at Portchester Station and start
the walk from there.
Leaving your car in the layby walk down
towards the motorway bridge but turn right into Nelson Lane before reaching it. Continue to the crossroad with the Nelson
Monument dead ahead of you, turn left here being careful on this busy lane and you will soon see Fort Nelson (Home of the
Free Royal Armouries Museum) on your right. Take the first entrance to their car park on the left and keep to the gravel path
to the right of the car park road, soon it emarges from the car park onto downland.

Fort Nelson (Royal Armouries Museum) |
Soon you cross the motorway on a footbridge and continue to follow the path now hedge lined between two fields emerging
eventually onto Upper Cornerway Lane where you pass a mobile home park and the beautifully landscaped Portchester Crematorium,
turn right onto Dore Avenue to cross the railway bridge and at the roundabout continue right onto the old A27 dual carriageway
which you follow towards Fareham (boring I know but there are one or two interesting houses and the end result is worth the
slog !) Passing Cams Hill School and crossing some traffic lights at the entrance to Cams Hall golf course you will notice
a gravel path on your left leading towards the golf course, this is the Fareham Easy Access Trail which you must follow.

Fareham Creek |

Fareham Easy Access Path |
This is easy flat walking on a gravel path , initially the waterside scenery is screened by trees but eventually the
wonderful views are revealed as the path winds it's way around the golf course following the edge of the creek. The path leaves
the golf course and enters a large informal park, leave the path here and simply follow the edge of the harbour. You can see
Wicor Marine Boatyard with it's various craft moored along the pontoon and at this point you have to come inland slightly,
through the car park for a teenagers skate board and kickabout area and turn right under the car park barrier to continue
along a lane with some workshops on the right.

Harbour Path |

Portsmouth Harbour |

Wicor Marine |
After the last of the workshops turn right (there is a footpath sign hidden in the bushes) into the entrance road of
Wicor Marine but just before entering the boatyard take the footpath on your left which skirts a horses field then by means
of a couple of stiles crosses it.

Wicor Marine Footpath |
Keep following the harbourside path, soon houses appear to your left fronting onto the beach. You can follow this path
all the way to Portchester Castle except on very rare occassions when there is a very high spring tide when you may have to
cut inland for a bit, best to check a tide table to be sure ! The fabulous Potchester Castle sits impressively right on the
edge of the harbour and you follow the path around it's walls and away from the harbour into Castle Street , Portchester.

Portchester Castle South Wall |

Portchester Castle |
Leaving the castle behind you walk up Castle Street with it's fine old buildings and continue to the roundabout on the
A27 at portchester town centre. There is a subway beneath the road for you to use so that you can then follow
Station Road under the railway bridge with Portchester Station on it. RAILWAY PASSENGER WALKERS START HERE.

Castle Street |

Portchester Town Centre |
Station Road becomes Hill Road after the railway bridge and becomes progressively steeper, Just before the road bends
to the left you will notice a footpath to your right ascending steeply through the bushes, follow it as it climbs the hill
pasing an old chalk pit on the left, then beyond the backs of houses enters out onto the chalk downland of Portsdown Hill.
Head generally upwards keeping to the path you're on and with luck you should end up on another footbridge over the M27 motorway.
Cross it and follow the path easterly until you reach a gate, pass through the gate and turn left climbing the Rabbit friendly
downland in a generally westward direction, the views of not only the harbour but the whole Solent and Isle of Wight
are truly spectacular from here and well worth the climb. Using the big houses on Skew Road, now visible as your guide you
will exit the down onto Skew Road, thereafter turning left to rejoin your car in the layby. OR if you started from Portchester
Railway Station you need to follow the directions from the start of the walk.

Portsmouth Harbour and The Solent from Portsdown Hill |